For more than 30 years, HARRIS MUSICOLOGY has evaluated over 10,000 compositions, arrangements, and recordings for plagiarism for over 650 businesses, helping them avoid costly and time-consuming litigation. We also help those already involved in music litigation, and provide a range of services, such as finding a song's copyright status and publisher.
Our clients are ad agencies, music and video companies, law firms, corporations, and independent composers, musicians, and producers.
Matthew Harris, founder and head of Harris Musicology, has been featured on NPR's On the Media and in Slate Magazine and Billboard for his work in forensic musicology. Having taught at Fordham University and worked as an assistant editor for music publishers such as Carl Fisher, he currently teaches music theory and appreciation at Brooklyn College, CUNY. Mr. Harris studied music at Harvard University, New England Conservatory, and The Juilliard School, where he received a Doctor of Musical Arts in composition.